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Women Make Up 47% of the Workforce but Underrepresented in Leadership

In order for organisations to achieve demographic diversity, it is important to understand what some of the barriers are....

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Malawi Sewing School Graduates Given a New Future

This year, 20 women have already graduated with the skills needed to have their own textiles business, and manage their own household and finances....

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How to Stop Work From Taking Over Your Life

If you’ve ever been caught in the modern malady of overwork and hyper-productivity, you’re not alone. And this conversation is for you....

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Whatever Your Job is Today, Treat it as a Caring Profession. Here’s Why

For most of us the phrase ‘caring profession’ probably brings to mind jobs like nursing, teaching and social work. But this list is far too small....

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Use Your Influence to Spark Revival — Brian’s Story

As a professional MC, model, actor and party host, Brian has a sphere of influence in people's lives who aren't connected to Jesus....

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Threads That Connect—David & Andrea’s Story

Can a clothing company become a space for people to connect, be open and vulnerable all while enjoying some quality threads?...

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