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sheridan voysey

Four Ways to Make Deeper Friendships

‘Who can you call in the middle of the night when everything has gone wrong?’ How many of my friendships were that strong I could feel OK imposing on them at such an hour?...

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10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

We are the options generation. Most of us can pursue any career we wish and live almost any lifestyle. We can want too much, be pulled in too many directions as a result, and lack clarity of mind and purpose....

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One of The Best Things You’ll Hear Today: You Are Known

He knows you, he’s familiar with you—he knows your complete personality. He knows your emotional triggers, behavioral patterns, your bad habits and comfort zones. He can unravel the intricate workings of your heart when you remain confused....

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The Day Jesus Messed Up His Nice-Guy Image

He makes a whip out of rope and starts driving out the animals on sale for sacrifice. ‘Meek and mild’ Jesus is being neither meek nor mild....

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Eight Lessons to Learn From the Life of Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Whole countries and generations of Christian leaders have been shaped by the work of Dr Billy Graham. After reading his autobiography at a key moment in my own life, I jotted down these 8 lessons to take on board......

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In a Fast Food World, Are We Losing the Art of Sacred Meals?

When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? We need more of these sacred meals....

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