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sheridan voysey

Being Heard is the First Step to Healing

‘Being heard is the first step to healing.’ These words from Patrick Regan sum up well the TV conversation you’re about to see....

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Whatever Your Job is Today, Treat it as a Caring Profession. Here’s Why

For most of us the phrase ‘caring profession’ probably brings to mind jobs like nursing, teaching and social work. But this list is far too small....

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Time to Rethink Our Attitude to Singleness

Some embrace the single life with joy, others don’t. Society and church can send mixed messages about it. It’s time to rethink our attitude to singleness....

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What a Little Girl Named Phoebe Can Tell Us About Ourselves

“I needed to hear about Phoebe. I’ve been so focussed on becoming a mother that I’ve forgotten I’m already a daughter, sister and friend."...

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Our Busy Lives Are Awe-Deprived. Here Are 6 Ways to Find Wonder Again

Awe is something that adults rarely experience. I am increasingly convinced that rediscovering child-like wonder is essential for our spiritual health....

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The Story of the Church is Deep and Rich, and Full of Heroes Like These

Failing politicians. Falling church leaders. We could do with some new heroes.Thankfully, there are many to unearth in the church’s story....

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Busyness is a Bully, Comparison is a Tyrant

Busyness is a bully at the best of times, wanting the playground to itself, but this bully becomes a tyrant when it teams up with comparison....

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Marry Your Trial with Your Talent to Bring Something New into the World

One of the most impacting discoveries I made was that the trials of life can release our greatest gifts into the world when we marry them with our talents....

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Leather-Clad Preacher to Outlaws: John Smith (1942-2019)

John Smith, legendary Australian minister, commentator, activist and founder of the God’s Squad Motorcycle Club has died after a long battle with cancer....

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“The Hand That Spins the Galaxies Wants You Here”, Sheridan Voysey’s Creed For Life

Some have mantras, others, a word for the year. In an effort to create a guiding statement of what means most to him in life, Voysey wrote The Creed....

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