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From Soldier to Servant: An Australian’s Journey from Conflict to Chaplaincy

While serving in Afghanistan, Haydn Lea realised he had a talent for comforting his comrades with his newfound Christian wisdom....

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If God Can Use Them, God Can Use You

God is in the business of using frail, fallible and ordinary people, because that’s the only kind there is. God can use you....

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How to Maintain Momentum by Pruning Your Practices

The question of what needs pruning in our lives and work is a valuable one to consider as we reach the end of the year and move into the beginning of 2021....

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Christian’s Story — How My Work Became My Worship

As a clinical therapist at an inpatient psychiatric facility, Christian serves people facing suicidal ideation, extreme anxiety, or psychosis....

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This One Question Can Help Focus Your Life on What Really Matters

In the busyness of the everyday, how can we discern what we should focus on and what really matters in life? Here’s a question that can help....

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In This Rare Moment, the Whole World is Living the Same Story

The streets of Paris are as empty as those of Delhi. Home schooling is a struggle for the parent in Michigan and the one in Sydney alike....

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“The Hand That Spins the Galaxies Wants You Here”, Sheridan Voysey’s Creed For Life

Some have mantras, others, a word for the year. In an effort to create a guiding statement of what means most to him in life, Voysey wrote The Creed....

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How to Flourish at Work

Kara Martin, author of Workship discusses how to find Christian purpose at work and what happens when work becomes toxic....

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12 Questions to Help You Find a New Dream

Whatever the reason, if you’re stuck when it comes to having a dream for your life, these 12 questions may help you unearth a new dream or aspiration....

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Take a Moment Monday: Find Your Why

What's your why? Often why we find people totally uninspired in jobs they hate or in relationships they feel trapped in because they've missed the big why in the equation of life....

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