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Meet the Australian Surgeon Changing the Lives of Women in Africa

Australian Dr Andrew Browning has operated on more than 7000 women and he’s telling his story in a new book called ‘A Doctor in Africa’....

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Cannibals, Kanakas & Florence Young

In 1904, a tall, slender, well dressed woman stepped ashore on the cannibal-infested island of Malaita, in the Solomon Islands group....

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Local Manly Pastor says the African Church is Thriving

Across the city evangelists visited prisons, schools, and hospitals, receiving more than 5500 decision cards from people who wanted to follow Jesus....

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Thousands Gather to Share the Gospel in Mombasa, Kenya

To enable local churches to continue sharing the Gospel message, these missionary teams are currently in Mombasa, working to mobilise evangelists....

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Aussie Missionary Story Now a Feature Film Starring Stephen Baldwin

The tragic yet inspiring story of Australian missionary Graham Staines is one that will never be forgotten by India’s Christian community, who have suffered persecution for decades....

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Going on Mission – Find Your Life Calling While Helping Others Pursue Theirs

Many who go on mission trips soon realise that learning about other cultures and helping the church thrive globally changes their own life in lasting ways....

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Eight Lessons to Learn From the Life of Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Whole countries and generations of Christian leaders have been shaped by the work of Dr Billy Graham. After reading his autobiography at a key moment in my own life, I jotted down these 8 lessons to take on board......

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Millennial Missionaries

“Quinn and Kylie, millennial missionaries to the scuba instructors of Aruba, are seeking your financial support” reads the caption to comedian John Crist’s hilarious sketch on young millennials called to the vacatio-cough- mission field. Millennial or not, most of us living in the 21st century Western World wouldn’t expect the…...

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