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michael mcqueen

What Is Your Business’s Silent Pulse? These 5 Questions Will Tell You…

Gauging the health of a business is best done by measuring its relevance, and this means looking at markers we might otherwise ignore....

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Business Owner, Which of These 3 ‘R’s Is Preventing Your Progress?

Almost every business wants to be known for being innovative, not all have the mindset that will get them there. Here are 3 common roadblocks to innovation....

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How Augmented Reality Is Becoming an Everyday Reality for Today’s Students

A reform to the national assessment program, NAPLAN, to include digital literacy in its testing indicates the increased use of technology in education....

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Online Influencers Are Yesterday’s News… Welcome to the Creator Economy

The creator economy involves the proliferating number of individuals who are making an earning by using social media to share their skills and knowledge....

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Can Your Business Be Trusted?

Winning back the trust of consumers is one of the most essential battles businesses of our era could engage in, and it needs to be played on the offensive....

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Hope for Healthcare in Nanotechnology

Advances in nanotechology hold great potential to empower our health, recreation and physical world to an unprecedented extent....

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Why Sustainability Is The Most Sustainable Opportunity for Your Business

Today, environmental action represents not only an essential strategic move, but also a unique opportunity for forward-thinking businesses....

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5 Challenges to Future Remote Work

Remote work is here for decades to come, and the challenges it brings cannot be overlooked by businesses looking to thrive....

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Blockchain May Bring Greater Levels of Financial Equality

Blockchain is changing finance across the globe, and as it rises in the coming years it is set to benefit the everyday individual in many ways....

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Where Will You Shop in the Retail World of Tomorrow?

Technology and the accelerating effects of COVID are seeing new versions of shopping arrive sooner than expected, and they may be here to stay....

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