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mental health

10 Signs You Are Burning Out

Often it’s hard to notice our own levels of burnout, as we simply get ‘used to’ feeling the way we do. Here are 10 signs to look out for....

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Lifeline Celebrates 60 Years of Saving Lives

Reverend Alan Walker’s legacy is well and truly alive as Lifeline celebrates 60 years of crisis support this month....

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Carer Fatigue and Burnout: What Is and What To Do

If you you or someone you know may be experiencing carer fatigue or burnout, it is important to take some action, writes Katelyn Tasker....

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Check In With Others to Show Your Support

It doesn’t take a lot to check in with someone. If you’re a leader, there are simple steps you can take to check in with your team, too....

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How to Design Your Day to Prevent Burnout

Preventing burnout is an ongoing exercise. And it starts with planning a balanced day, writes psychologist Valerie Ling....

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Body Image: When It Becomes an Issue

If you find you are overthinking about how you look, and it’s impacting your mood and eating habits, it may be time to seek support....

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How Kids Helpline is Normalising ‘Help Seeking’ in Schools

Schools are encouraged to make use of the free Kids Helpine @ School program which can empower and help normalise ‘help seeking’ in students....

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What Therapy is Like…And What It’s Not

The label ‘talk therapy’ may drive the myth that psychotherapy is just talking. Monica Jacob dispels a few common myths....

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In a Time of Anxiety, How to be Non-Anxious

Jesus can make a difference to the way we face and work with anxiety, writes faith and culture blogger Brian Harris....

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Engage All of Your Senses: Spend Time in a Garden

Time spent in a garden can engage all our senses and lift our moods, especially if you’re intentional in your approach, say experts....

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