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Melbourne set to become Australia’s largest city – McCrindle

Melbourne is set to pass the 6 million population mark at the end of the decade – overtaking Sydney to become Australia’s largest city....

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How to Spot Trends

By observing the changes and thinking about what will influence the future, leaders and organisations can be better prepared for what is to come....

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Gen Z and the Future of School-Leavers Today

Not only has the digital world impacted Generation Z, but the economy has been transformed in the last two and a half decades since they have been born....

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The Top Trends of 2022

It is essential that leaders are equipped with an understanding of how to spot the trends, and what those trends are, here are the top 8 trends of 2022....

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Consumer Expectations When Transitioning to a Cashless Society

The convenience of digital payments means that purchase of products and services online are expected to rise compared to in-store....

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The Power of Kindness

Are you intentional about being kind, or do you wait for opportunities? Here’s why kindness is so important, and how you can be more kind....

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The Importance of Bringing a Positive Attitude to the Workplace

We all know the Monday morning atmosphere when colleagues come into the office again after the weekend. Our attitude can predict the rest of the day....

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The Future of Shopping Centres in a Digital World

Retailers must ask themselves, ‘What is it about the experience of going into a store that is unique, and which people can’t get by shopping online?’....

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The Renewed Search For Meaning

Our research found that relationships, reflections and living life with more purpose and impact became a priority for many in the search for meaning....

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Is the Office Dead?

For many, working from home has become the new normal. While it can have its challenges, the benefits seem to outweigh them....

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