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Aussies Are Earning Less and Living at Home Longer

For affordability reasons, young adults staying at home longer even when they start their own families, they are more likely to live with their parents....

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Melbournians Willing To Trade In Their Latte Lifestyle

Last year more Aussies relocated to Melbourne than any other city, but it's becoming a victim of its own success with people ready to give up the lifestyle....

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70 Years on and Work-life Balance Is Still Eluding Most Australians

The 2016 Census results shows that 2 in 5 employed Australians working beyond the 8-hour day, and way beyond it when commute time is included....

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10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

We are the options generation. Most of us can pursue any career we wish and live almost any lifestyle. We can want too much, be pulled in too many directions as a result, and lack clarity of mind and purpose....

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Preparing for a Healthy Christmas

This is the time for prepping and some good nights of sleep before the festivities. Here's eight planning tips for a more relaxed and healthy Christmas....

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Are You In a Mid-Life Low? Take Heart – It’ll Get Better, Say Researchers

After 50, our happiness – according to research – starts to climb again. So, if you’re 50 or younger, one way or another, happy days really are ahead....

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Salt – Is it Good or Bad?

Salt has been used to flavour and preserve food for pretty much as long as humans have been on this earth. Before salt became readily available it was as valuable as gold and used as a form of currency....

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