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The Hardest Work You’ll Ever Do

Have you learned to receive gift without doing anything to earn it?...

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8 Steps to Share Hope on Instagram

Sharing hope on social media is super simple and an incredible opportunity in our current circumstances. Here's 8 steps to guide you through....

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The Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection That Is Open To All

The Psalms say to "taste and see that the Lord is good"! Throughout the ages, millions of transformed lives have testified to Christ’s resurrection power....

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Who is This Man, Jesus?

Scripture gives Jesus over 208 titles and every one of them is sufficient to provide day upon day of meditation, bringing glory, insight, wisdom, and hope....

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Dear Australia, RE: The Coronavirus

Your intuition that something is wrong with the world is spot on: the world is very broken. So how do we make sense of this mess?...

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Dunlop Volleys and Hairy Legs

I met Jesus once. Well actually, just his shoes and his legs up to about the knee. But it was Him. He didn’t need me to see the whole of him for me to know....

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What Exactly is Grace?

Some people say that all religions are the same. They’re not. Grace is what sets Christianity apart from all other philosophies and worldviews....

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Tis’ the Season He’s the Reason

At the very centre of Christmas is the greatest gift ever given, and if accepted the greatest love ever known....

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Who Was Jesus?

There’s different views about who Jesus was, but they can be basically boiled down to four key ideas....

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The Greatest Ever Promise of Jesus

There are so many wonderful promises in the Bible, but many people miss the greatest one of all!...

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