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Getting Rid of the Cross

There are many people who try to get rid of the Cross, and in many different ways, and not all of them are atheists, writes Dr Eliezer Gonzalez....

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Saved, With Scars – That Jesus Can Heal

How do you see your scars? Repulsive? Shameful? Embarrassing? Jesus isn’t afraid to touch our scars… He is able to heal them, writes Danni Synot....

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Should We Live the Iphone or Android Way?

A recent report that Android users are safer drivers than iPhone users got podcaster Andrew Laird thinking about the nature of humanity…...

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If Not Now then When?

Research has shown that procrastinators can produce results of lower quality and suffer more stress and illness. Why put off what you can do now?...

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Do you Trust the Holy Spirit When Talking to People About Jesus?

The Holy Spirit has promised He has our back and that he’ll be there for us when we share Jesus, but do we really trust Him when the moment arrives?...

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Embrace the Mess of Sharing Jesus: Dan’s Story

Sharing our faith is going to be messy at times. But it didn’t always go to plan for the early church either! So it shouldn’t stop us spreading the gospel....

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‘Generation For Ever’ – When You Follow Jesus

No matter what generation you belong to, you’ll be replaced by the next one. There’s a much more important generation to belong to, writes Eliezer Gonzalez....

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Your Kingdom or God’s Kingdom?

When he was tempted in the wilderness, Jesus knew that the only kingdom worth having is the kingdom that God has promised to give you....

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We’ve all been let down. People close to us have hurt us. We’ve been disappointed by those we thought we could depend upon. That’s the kind of thing we remember on Good Friday....

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How Jesus Taught Us To Bring Flavour to Life

We preserve our flavour by holding onto the ingredients Jesus describes in His sermon, this salt flavours our family, community and our nation....

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