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focus on the family

Having Fun in Your Marriage

Have you ever felt like you were in the “daily grind” of marriage? Explore how to bring fun and laughter back into your relationship, and even enjoy your spouse when they drive you crazy!...

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Maintaining a Forgiving Spirit While Ministering to the Broken

Leaders often have a unique opportunity to take the hit from hurting people and help them work through pain. Here are 5 ways to maintain a forgiving spirit while ministering to the broken....

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Developing Body-Confidence in Your Daughter

What you believe about your body, your daughter is going to catch. The value of her body having purpose is better caught than taught....

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Being a Champion to your Grandkids

Are you in the grandparent phase of life? Listen how to bridge the relational gap between the generations and how to model integrity to your grandchildren and leave a lasting, godly legacy....

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Understanding Singleness in God’s Family

While the world celebrates, Valentine's Day can bring up pain for those in stages of waiting or singleness....

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Love and Communication: 11 Expert Tips for a Better Marriage

Even the best marriage can benefit from a little spark. We chatted with relationship experts and life coaches for practical tips on enhancing your marriage....

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The Power of Forgiveness

Tim Sisarich from New Zealand was asked by “Focus on the Family” to travel the world, making a documentary on the state of the modern family. However, he didn’t count on it raising issues in his own life. Particularly in the area of forgiveness. ...

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Motherhood: Liberating Yourself from the Common Myths

Motherhood in a world full of Pinterest and Facebook may leave you feeling…well, less than perfect. Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk will do some mummy myth-busting and help you embrace your identity as a mum....

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Faith, Mental Illness and Counselling

If someone you know has been acting a bit “off”, and you’re starting to get concerned, at what point do you recommend a counsellor or a psychiatrist? And how do you go about finding one?...

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A Prodigal Daughter Story

Rebecca Slavin shares her amazing journey from ice addiction and domestic violence to eventually finding freedom. She is joined by her father Gavin and together they discuss what has led to her incredible transformation – where today she speaks at public events about the dangers of ice addiction....

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