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Your Community’s Best Budgeting and Money Saving Tips

As the cost of living has started to rise, we asked people like you for their top budgeting and money-saving tips (save this article for a rainy day!)...

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“Teach Them Early”: An Expert’s Guide to Kids and Money

New research shows that while most Australian parents want to teach their children about finance, many don’t know where to start....

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The #1 Money Regret Most Australians Have About Their Finances

The topic of financial health is one that many Australians put off for another day, and many Aussies don’t have much saved up for a rainy day....

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Why Choose a Christian Financial Adviser?

As a Christian, it is important to work with a financial professional who truly understands biblical stewardship and shares your heart for God’s Kingdom....

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Is It Time to Refinance?

With interest rates in Australia at record lows, it might be time to refinance your home loan and find yourself a better deal....

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Creating Your Business Name and Slogan

Small businesses neglect ‘brand management’ at their own peril! It is not just a logo or a name, it is the collection of these parts that gives the end customer a powerful message about what your business is and what it stands for....

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CAP Supports Petition Opposing Plan to Axe Safe Spending Laws

Debt relief charity Christians Against Poverty Australia urges senators to block proposed termination of safe lending laws....

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Learning From the Ant: A Money Lesson

May we gain wisdom and insight from the ant, small as it may seem. So when winter comes, we will not find ourselves like the grasshopper, dying of hunger....

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7 Ways to Multiply Your Business

Here are 7 areas areas you should be considering multiplying your business!...

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What a Good Budget Looks Like

A budget is a great tool of self-awareness and helps you to identify where your money is going. Here are some basic guidelines!...

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