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A Letter To My Sons About Becoming Good Men (In a Culture That Degrades Females)

I’m writing to make you aware of what your female family members and friends are up against. And how you should respond, especially as males....

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Ready for a New Adventure? Make Sure it Has These Four Things

Whether we’re renovating a house, starting a side business, writing a book or launching a new mission, adventures of all kinds keep our heart beating....

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“Selfie Dad” Star Michael Jr. on the Healing Power of Faith and Comedy [Movie Review]

The new faith-based family comedy ‘Selfie Dad’ shows how The Bible helps a man in crisis rediscover his purpose....

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Aussies Open to Spiritual Conversations

A new study finds that 4 in 5 Australians are open to talking about spiritual topics, including views that are different from their own....

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Why I’ll Never Stop Asking Questions About My Faith

Does God see me? Can he hear me? How could he possibly love me? Am I really going to heaven? Is the rapture going to happen tonight?...

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Harry Connick Jr.’s ‘Alone With My Faith’ is His First Album Entirely Dedicated to His Christian Beliefs

Family and faith is what Harry Connick Jr. has considered most important throughout his career and now he’s released his first Christian album....

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Pope Francis Spreads Hope in a Historic Tour

Within the rubble and ruins of war-torn Iraq, Pope Francis has implored the nation’s downtrodden people to never give up....

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Christians are Called to Face Pressure at Work But Mental Fitness is Key to Managing It

YouTube sensation Eddie Woo says Christians facing workplace challenges often say it’s not something they signed up for, but the Bible disagrees....

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Life After COVID: Christian Groups Unite to Pave the Way Forward

In an overwhelming display of support, Australian Christian groups have pledged their commitment to the Prime Minister to help with the nation’s recovery....

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Disruption, Disillusionment and Diversity: The Future of the Church

Research shows that half of Australians say they have thought more about the meaning of life and their own mortality this year....

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