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eliezer gonzalez

The Healing Power of Going Back

There are places in our lives that we haven’t visited in a long time, and to which its good to go back to begin a much needed healing process....

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Why Your Stuff Isn’t Worth Worshipping

In our culture of modern idolatry, we have made our stuff our god. Your stuff may disappear, but God’s not going anywhere....

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The Most Forgiving People

The measure of our forgiveness for others is not the forgiveness we are offered, but rather the forgiveness we choose to receive....

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How Grace Comes

Grace, by its very definition, seeks us out and comes to us, and it brings with it the opportunity for us to accept it and respond....

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Why is the Resurrection of Jesus So Important?

Dr Eli Gonzalez of Good News Unlimited shares three reasons why the event at the centre of Christianity is so significant....

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Bringing a Friend to Jesus

What barriers are standing in the way of your friends meeting Jesus and how can you help demolish them?...

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Do You Know God, or Just Know About Him?

There can be a temptation to believe that the more knowledge we attain about God, the more our faith will grow and develop....

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Four Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who is Hurting

Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say to comfort a friend who is hurting. A good place to start is with what NOT to say!...

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The Criteria for Being a Christian

According to Christ, the criteria for being a Christian was never total uniformity in doctrinal understanding or a perfect faith....

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God Longs to Be Your Father Today

God isn’t a father like any of us have ever had on this earth. He’s absolutely so much better and you can experience his strength and his love right now....

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