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Our Responsibility to the Future

Christians owe it to the future to again be classified as the kindest of all – people who love well, live well and serve well, writes Brian Harris....

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How to Get the Stubborn to Budge

When someone is stubborn, our instinct is to bombard them with evidence. The better approach to persuasion is to start small....

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When Your Armour is Too Big

When David volunteered to take on Goliath the giant, he found that the armour was too big for him. So instead of physical armour, he took something better....

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Japanese Savoury Pancakes: A Paleo Recipe

A light and fluffy savoury pancake, with sweet potato for extra nutrition, plus almond meal and arrowroot for gluten free goodness....

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Aussie Short ‘The Moths Will Eat Them Up’ Goes Global with Anti-Violence Message

Australian filmmakers aim to address the issue of gendered violence in their short psychological thriller ‘The Moths Will Eat Them Up’....

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What Would Jesus Say to Leaders?

The whole point of being a leader is to ‘eat last’; to serve; to sacrifice your personal good for the gain of the team, writes Sam Chan....

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5 Better Measures of Success

We all have different measures for success. But as Christians, the more important question is to ask ourselves, “Who defines our success?”...

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A Creative Entrepreneur, Influencing Culture — Moyin’s Story

The pioneer of her own media career in a time where it wasn’t the norm to do so, Moyin knows a thing or two about living with a mission and never giving up....

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Engineering a Fairer Workplace

Leaders have a role to play in creating spaces where both men and women can flourish, but individuals have a role to speak up, too....

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What is the Ultimate ‘Big Question’ People are Asking?

After 200 episodes of the ‘Bigger Quetsions’ podcast, Robert Martin is surprised to discover that the ‘big questions’ of life just keep rolling in....

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