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A Prodigal Daughter Story

Rebecca Slavin shares her amazing journey from ice addiction and domestic violence to eventually finding freedom. She is joined by her father Gavin and together they discuss what has led to her incredible transformation – where today she speaks at public events about the dangers of ice addiction....

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Remember This When You’re Tired of People

Author: John Mcgee  | Focus On The Family. Have you ever been tired of people? Have you ever looked down on your Caller ID and let out a soft groan when you saw who it was? You know you’re supposed to be kind, compassionate, and helpful, but sometimes, instead of…...

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How to create a harmonious home with teenagers

Author: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen. It’s every parent’s dream to have a peaceful home with teenagers. So lets talk about how to create harmony when there’s so many hormones running around....

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Pizza shop has served over 150,000 free slices of pizza to homeless

Rosa’s Fresh Pizza in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania isn’t just your ordinary pizza shop. For most of the customers, a slice of pizza is free....

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What the Universe is Saying

Author: Tania Harris | God Conversations. A good friend of mine regularly talks about what the universe is telling her. She sees cues in her circumstances and interactions that work together to point her in the right direction....

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Millennial Missionaries

“Quinn and Kylie, millennial missionaries to the scuba instructors of Aruba, are seeking your financial support” reads the caption to comedian John Crist’s hilarious sketch on young millennials called to the vacatio-cough- mission field. Millennial or not, most of us living in the 21st century Western World wouldn’t expect the…...

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Understanding Your Child’s Love Style

You can raise healthy, relationally-secure children! Learn to create a lasting, meaningful bond with your kids by learning their attachment styles and your own....

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Do The Poor Give More?

Author: Alex Cook | Wealth with Purpose. In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently…...

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Parenting With No Regrets

“Daddy, can we build a birdhouse today?” my 7-year-old daughter, Makenah, asked me early one Saturday morning as I was knee-deep in a “honey-do” project list. “Well, … “ I hesitated. With a house and four children under 8, I had discovered that my project list never ended. I had…...

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The Facebook Reactions All Parents Should Have

Facebook recently unveiled a new set of emotions for us to help describe to friends our reactions to their status update. Instead of just ‘liking’ something, we can now use the extra emojis to love, laugh, gasp, smile, cry or get angry....

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