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Fear and Hoplessness: A Canberra Nun Describes Life on Manus Island

What is life like when you have been held in offshore detention for four years, with little to no hope of permanent resettlement?...

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In the noise, we hear voices of not good enough and you’ll never do it. My soul is in need of some grace. My soul is in need of silence....

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5 Truths School Leavers Need to Be Told

With the next crop of school leavers about to flood into the 'real world', here are 5 truths they must be told (and may not have learned at school)....

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An Untold Story of 9/11 & Why You Should Give Even on Your Worst Day

This story – perhaps one you haven’t heard – reminds us that even on our worst days, generosity has the power to open up our world....

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The Gift and the Dirt Cup

In both of these, the Good King can be celebrated. In both the gift and the dirt cup, we can point to the goodness that comes from the Good King....

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A Conversation About Mental Health with Libby Trickett

At one of the most joyous times of her life, five time world record holder Libby Trickett experienced significant depression....

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In a Fast Food World, Are We Losing the Art of Sacred Meals?

When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? We need more of these sacred meals....

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When the Calling Isn’t

If there is an awkward feeling that everything is not well, perhaps it's time to stop, reflect, assess the calling and move into a new one....

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Dad Goals: Big, Audacious Dad Goals

If these were the only two goals I had in my life, and I achieved them, I will have succeeded....

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All-Star Voices Cast in New Christmas Movie

A world class cast are starring in the new faith-based movie, ‘The Star’ with many recognisable voices in the ‘Greatest Story Never Told’....

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