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Should the Gambling Industry be Allowed to Donate to Political Parties?

Tim Costello and the Alliance for Gambling Reform say donations from the gambling industry to political parties should stop....

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Awe Struck Wonder: Seeing God in the Every-Day Moment

“Can’t you just tell me what the amazing thing is, George?” I asked, without looking up from the computer. “No, Mum. You have to see it! Come on!”...

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It’s Time to Realise that Small is the New Big

We live in a world of mass media, big ideas, cultural change and global pain... it's time to shine a light and apply love like a balm....

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Me, Myself and I: The Self-Centred World of Teens

Most teens are thoughtless rather than selfish. Here’s 5 tips to help you tackle this stage of teenagehood in a way to ensure it’s just a temporary blip....

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Why Did Jesus Bless all the Wrong People?

Who are the “unblessed” today? Might they not be the homeless, the addicts, the sex-workers, the abused and the victimised? Why it is those who society considers the “unblessed,” who are blessed by Christ....

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Understanding Singleness in God’s Family

While the world celebrates, Valentine's Day can bring up pain for those in stages of waiting or singleness....

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Take a Moment Monday: Your Creative Best

Doing the creative best with our lives means making choices that intentionally craft our days in order to ensure that, when they are added together, they are significant and meaningful....

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They Slipped Away In The Night – Tragedy at Sea for Kiribati Students

A shipwrecked ocean ferry, children lost at sea and a rescue against the odds. Just one of the consequences of life in an impoverished nation....

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Dare to Receive

I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to give advice, criticism and gifts, but not so easy to receive them. Today, I dare you to receive....

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Love and Communication: 11 Expert Tips for a Better Marriage

Even the best marriage can benefit from a little spark. We chatted with relationship experts and life coaches for practical tips on enhancing your marriage....

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