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Maintaining a Forgiving Spirit While Ministering to the Broken

Leaders often have a unique opportunity to take the hit from hurting people and help them work through pain. Here are 5 ways to maintain a forgiving spirit while ministering to the broken....

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Echoes in Eternity

“What we do in life, echoes in eternity” - Gladiator. It’s one of the most profound movie quotes of all time. It’s also true that what we do in life, echoes through generations and into their eternity....

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If You Want to Find Jesus, Don’t Look Within

Many people want to find Jesus, but they look for him in the wrong places. If you want to find Jesus, don’t look within yourself....

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Women: Five Words You Need to Keep Telling Yourself

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about women in my own 37 years, it’s that we feel immense pressure to be more than we can actually be....

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Developing Body-Confidence in Your Daughter

What you believe about your body, your daughter is going to catch. The value of her body having purpose is better caught than taught....

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Loving Someone with Alzheimer’s

Dr. Gary Chapman describes how the five love languages can help people with dementia—and their caregivers—experience a powerful emotional connection....

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Take a Moment Monday: Check in With Yourself

We change over time, and if we don’t take time out to think the next chapter of our lives, we may drift along and another year will have passed....

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Eight Lessons to Learn From the Life of Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Whole countries and generations of Christian leaders have been shaped by the work of Dr Billy Graham. After reading his autobiography at a key moment in my own life, I jotted down these 8 lessons to take on board......

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Being a Champion to your Grandkids

Are you in the grandparent phase of life? Listen how to bridge the relational gap between the generations and how to model integrity to your grandchildren and leave a lasting, godly legacy....

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My Good Good Father

The woman had told several lies about me. Rumours circulated and the hurt grew. I wanted to fight back and defend myself, but I knew it wasn't the way. When Jesus was criticised and rejected, his humility and kindness lay in his sense of identity; in being so completely sure…...

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