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Simplifying Life, Living More Fully

More is not always better, and stuff does not lead to happiness. An intriguing story of one family’s journey to minimalize their possessions and maximize their lives....

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How a Mumpreneur Unlocked Her Autistic Son’s Gift for Art

Although he has autism and a severe communication disability, Jonathan Sunarho's drawing has become an outlet helping him express ideas in ways that words couldn't....

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When Clean Water is Just a Dream

Currently 844,000 people globally are without access to water and Papua New Guinea ranks among the world’s most disadvantaged nations when it comes to access to clean water....

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Snapchats of Dead Bodies: The Loss of Sacred Things

In a world where anyone with a phone is a news source and where everyone with social media can become a pseudo-celebrity, it is no shock that what was once sacred is snapped instead....

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Having Fun in Your Marriage

Have you ever felt like you were in the “daily grind” of marriage? Explore how to bring fun and laughter back into your relationship, and even enjoy your spouse when they drive you crazy!...

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Hustle and Rest

My words say: “Just be; find rest, it’s so good for you” my life says: “I can’t rest, I’m too busy with all that doing”....

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When Belief and Actions Collide

The words that stopped me cold weren’t shouted or even spoken angrily. They were gentle, coming through the speakers of my laptop. One sentence, spoken sweetly, that gave me chills....

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Slavery Couldn’t Silence Christian Music

Glenn A Baker shares that whilst African slaves in America’s southern states were subject to incalculable injustice and oppression, that shameful period in history was the source of many music genres....

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Why I Thank God For My Painful Mid-Life Crisis

Without any warning, I felt it: A blanket of emotions – depressive, suffocating – descended on me. Taunting me. Whispering to my soul. Making me feel things I had rarely felt before....

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Faith & Tenacity – Eloise Wellings on Track for Gold Coast Games

When Eloise Wellings takes off from the starting line at the Games on the Gold Coast, she won’t just be propelled by her 20 years of experience and training....

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