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God Was There in My Darkest Days: Human Nature’s Andrew Tierney on ‘Finding Faith’

One quarter of the pop group, Human Nature is sharing a less choreographed side of himself and it brings his Christian faith into the spotlight....

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Making Friends in Seven Seconds or Less

Consider that in 2000, the average adult’s attention span was 12 seconds. It has dropped by 33% since then, to 8 seconds. Use these strategies that lead to lasting relationships, and people will give you a window....

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Facing the Worst Moments in Christianity: Sweeping New Film in Cinemas Now

The new film – now showing in over 100 cinema screenings is aptly subtitled, How the Church is Better and Worse Than you Ever Imagined....

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The Heart Of Man Movie Review

Raw, honest and often uncomfortable, this tragic yet beautiful story of redemption is interwoven with real-life testimonies from modern-day prodigals....

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Winning Your Kids’ Hearts Starts At Home

No matter how many degrees I’ve earned, sermons I’ve preached, or seminars I’ve taught, nothing matters more to me than winning the hearts of my children....

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Build Your Character Not Your Reputation

Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is, and the tree is the real thing. - Abraham Lincoln...

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How Christians Can Go Beyond The ‘Culture War’

Many Christians feel we’re losing the ‘culture war’. From SSM to euthanasia, the traditional Christian perspective has lost ground in much of mainstream society. We’re a minority....

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40 Coping Skills for Stressed out Adults

Coping skills are those things we do to manage stress and anxiety. Here’s 40 coping strategies adults can use to not only help you cope with a crisis, but carry you through it as well....

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The (Dying) Art of Introduction

It seems most common among those under 40, and it is particularly dismal with people under the age of 25. We seem to have lost the art of introduction....

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Does God Love Me?

We think of love, for example in marriage, as some kind of business deal, where one person commits to loving another as long as they receive love in return. But that’s not what God means by love at all....

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