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NAIDOC Week – Celebrating Women

The invaluable role that woman play throughout society inspired the theme “Because of her, we can!” which highlights this year’s NAIDOC Week celebrations....

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Incredibles 2 Movie Review

Funny, smart, thrilling and sweet. Moreover, like any flick worth its price of admission, it may make you look at your own world just a little bit differently....

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Working at Enjoyment

It’s somehow strange that we should have to exercise discipline and self-control to do the things that make us feel most alive but sadly it’s true....

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What Our View of Death Says About The Value Of Life

The death of Australian academic David Goodall in an assisted-suicide clinic in Switzerland, was hailed by supporters as some sort of victory for the cause of euthanasia...

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What to Do When Your Pastor’s Not Perfect

Every so often I think we need to be reminded that Pastors are just people. Regular, down to earth, flesh and blood human beings....

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How Hugging Your Child Could Make Them Smarter

A new study of babies out of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio found that the more you hug a child, the more their brain grows!...

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Making Self-Care Work: 10 Things You Can Do Right Now

Too much stress leads to burnout, so dealing with stress is important for our mental health and physical well being. But that’s easier said than done. Here are 10 practical self-care strategies and an explanation of how it helps with managing stress....

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What “Not” To Do When You Stuff Up

We all fall and we all fail, but what we do after falling short either sets us on a trajectory of grace and redemption, or guilt and shame....

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Spade, Bourdain Again and Again

How do you explain how a man who is brilliant, talented and gifted finds himself at a place that death feels like the only and reasonable option?...

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People Not Like You

When you understand the Gospel, it breaks down your preconceived ideas of who is acceptable to God and who isn’t. Jesus went out of his way to show that the love of God and his saving power knows no boundaries....

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