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Hugely Popular Rockers Skillet Back to Tour Australia

Skillet are not always the first band to come to mind when you think 'Christian music', but you might be surprised just how popular they actually are....

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School Holidays the Perfect Time to Pack Your Christmas Shoebox for a Child Overseas

It’s that time of year again to pack a shoebox of Christmas gifts for a child in a developing nation, in preparation for Operation Christmas Child....

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Burnout Begins With Weariness. Here’s How to Stop it Going Further

Here are 5 tell-tale signs that you are headed for, or already experiencing emotional (and also possibly physical) burnout....

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Would You Pay Ten Cents A Litre More For Milk To Help Dairy Farmers?

The dairy industry has hit crisis point as a result of soaring operational costs, crippling drought and ongoing challenges to achieve fair milk prices....

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Fear and Anxiety in Children: What’s Normal, and What’s Not

Here are some of the common fears and anxieties in kids according to age group, and some signs that may indicate an unusually higher level....

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The Storms We Make Ourselves

If we're really honest, how many of the storms in our life have been ones we've created ourselves? Even the disciples got themselves into one....

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Rusty and Dianne Lawson: Salvos Ministering To Drought Stricken Farmers

Salvos are distributing food hampers, helping with bill payments and other financial expenses, assisting with farm and household jobs, and providing emotional and practical support....

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Surviving the Fortnite Craze: A Guide for Frustrated Parents

Are you tearing your hair out over your child’s Fortnite gaming habits? Here's how you can help your game-playing kids find the right game-life balance....

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Older Australians Not Prepared for Their Future Age Care

Three in four older Australians have not taken any steps to ensure they will receive their preferred future age care....

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Whose Kingdom Are You Building?

Did you know it's possible to spend your life serving God and end up not really knowing Him? It's possible to build a big Church, big youth ministry or big online platform and completely forget who it's all really for....

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