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Mercy Ships Celebrates 40 Years of Medical Mission [Video]

Performing 95,000 surgeries in the neediest parts of the world, watch how one of their most uneventful surgeries, has been one of their most memorable....

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Faith and Friendship

How much impact can faith and friendship have on your marriage? Hear how these things can help a couple through serious life challenges....

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Little Things That Make a Big Difference to the Mental Health of Young People

Know a young person in the grip of depression, anxiety or another mental health issue? Here are some little things you can do today to build that young person up....

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Mercy Trumps Judgment

If we are ever unsure whether to decide to show mercy to someone, or to judge them, it's best to always err on the side of mercy....

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Creating Healthy Workplaces for Employees to Thrive

Stressed workers are more than 2 times more likely to look for a new job in the next 12 months than those who are not stressed....

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The President Will See You Now – A Memoir

The memoir written by Ronald Reagan's post-presidency Executive Assistant is an affectionate and intimate reflection of his final years....

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Getting a Job on Newstart Is Harder than You Think

Recent reports on unemployment highlight the enormous challenges hundreds of thousands of Australians are facing to find decent paid work....

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Not Good Enough?

When we're tempted to focus on our weakness, we should instead focus on our completeness in Jesus....

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The God Who Redeems

It’s true that God may choose to work a miracle for you, but that’s not, at its core, what redemption is all about....

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5 Reasons to Spend Time with a Senior

Older people are precious. They might not look it, smell it, or sound it, but they are deeply valuable. Do we appreciate it?...

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