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Prayer in the Pandemic: Inside the Emergency Field Hospitals

In an unprecedented medical response, Samaritan’s Purse have set up two emergency field hospitals in Italy and New York City - running simultaneously....

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Chocolate Birthday Cake Recipe

Look no further for the ultimate moist and fudgey chocolate cake recipe that you can bake for a treat or for a special occasion! Serves 10....

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How Housebound Families Can Stay Sane

In this article, psychologist Collett Smart gives 6 tips for how families can effectively navigate being housebound together during COVID-19....

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How to Talk to Kids about Bad News in the Media

How much is too much information for young people? And what is age appropriate? I cover both younger children and teens in this video....

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Negative Response to a Viral Celebrity Cover of John’s Lennon’s ‘Imagine’, Highlights Our Desire to Be Truly Understood

The well meaning short 3 minute video of Gal Gadot and other celebrities singing Imagine has been mercilessly slammed and labelled "tone deaf"....

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The Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection That Is Open To All

The Psalms say to "taste and see that the Lord is good"! Throughout the ages, millions of transformed lives have testified to Christ’s resurrection power....

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Rolling With It: How Positive Language and Mindset Can Help You or Your Business Adapt to Change

Instead of seeing ourselves as victims, we can position ourselves as leaders of our own lives in this unprecedented time and lean in to change....

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10 Promises to Declare over Your Family

Use your words to release divine destiny and empowering truth over your kids with these ten powerful scriptures from the Bible....

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Insights for Leaders During the COVID-19 Crisis

During times of great uncertainty and change, people look for confidence, a sense of direction, and a sense of where things are at from their leaders....

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Grieving the Loss of Routine

Has your routine gone out the window and been replaced with the sense of losing your purpose, occupation or identity? This experience is a form of grief....

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