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Akos Balogh

Are Your Led by Your Feelings or Faith? 5 Subconscious Lies That Can Deceive Christians

We’re living in a society where we think our feelings are critical to our existence, and it’s all sorts of beliefs that shape us, writes Akos Balogh....

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How Christians Are Helping Ukrainian Refugees In Hungary

Akos Balogh spoke to a Hungarian Christian aid worker to hear about the 350,000 Ukrainian refugees in Hungary and how they’re being supported....

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A Fatal Flaw at The Heart of Evolutionary Morality

Our secular culture often uses evolution to explain why we’re moral creatures, and why we’re outraged at injustice. But the theory has a fatal flaw....

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7 Reflections on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

War should not drive us to despair, but help us yearn for the new creation, writes Akos Balogh, in this reflection on the invasion of Ukraine....

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Why Christians Should Avoid Alarmism (And What To Do Instead)

If we see the world through the eyes of faith, we’ll see that Christ is working out all things according to His good plans....

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How Not To Fight Cancel Culture

When threatened with ‘cancellation’, how do we keep from fighting outrage with outrage, hate with hate, cancellation with counter-cancellation?...

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4 Big Lies Christians Believe In Our Fracturing Age

These lies drive how we think about the world, how we talk, and how we act, especially toward those who think differently to us....

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What Happens If We Lose Religious Freedom? Here’s What Few People Realise

While there are obvious consequences for Christians, Churches, and other ministries, there is another consequence that few people realise....

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10 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Having Good Mental Health

After my panic attack on that small aircraft, part of me didn’t ever want to fly again. This is what I learnt on the journey of responding well to anxiety....

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A Father’s Letter To His Daughter (About Living In a World That Degrades Women)

Part of me wishes I didn’t have to write this letter. I wish we lived in a world where all men treated all women with dignity and respect, at all times....

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