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You Can Be Coming Last and Be Winning at Life

Winners don’t always make the most money or have the biggest followings on social media, they could even look like the definition of a loser....

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Nut-free Chocolate Birthday Cake

When there’s a birthday to celebrate and a nut-free, moist, chocolatey AND healthy cake is needed, this is the cake for you....

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Christian Sexologist Dr Pat Helps Parents Tackle Tough Sex Talks With Their Kids

Dr Pat’s scientifically-informed and Bible-based approach has been helping parents with some of the most common concerns and questions they face....

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Would Your Business Values Pass the Test?

Especially in uncertain times, a business that acts with transparency is doing their people, their profits and their customers a big favour....

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Do You Have O+ or A+ Blood? Other Aussies Desperately Need Your Help!

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has issued an urgent appeal for 16,000 additional people to give blood or plasma during the next two weeks....

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Why Ground-Level Workers Are The Top-level Innovators

Original thinkers on the ground level consistently prove to be the hope for big businesses and their antidote for irrelevance....

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Grief is the Honour We Give to Those Who Loved Us Well

Even though it hurts, maybe grief is the highest honour we can give to someone who loved us well....

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What is the Fruit of Love?

What is the true fruit of love? Is it your children? Is it happiness? Is it receiving from others? Well, actually, it isn’t....

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Tarragon Chicken with Waldorf Salad

This tasty Tarragon Chicken salad has a great combination of favours and textures and is perfect for an end of week meal or when a lighter dinner is required....

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5 Practices That Could Paralyse Your Pivot

There are 5 mindsets that commonly hold businesses and leaders back from healthy adaptation and paralyses any ability to pivot and move with the times....

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