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Flight Path to Recovery: Government’s Half-Price Holiday Sale

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a $1.2 billion tourism support package, which includes offering half-price airline fares to Aussie hotspots....

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If God Can Use Them, God Can Use You

God is in the business of using frail, fallible and ordinary people, because that’s the only kind there is. God can use you....

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Pope Francis Spreads Hope in a Historic Tour

Within the rubble and ruins of war-torn Iraq, Pope Francis has implored the nation’s downtrodden people to never give up....

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3 Ways Technology Is Making Life More Affordable

Recent developments show that technology is enhancing accessibility, increasing affordability and empowering equality for the everyday consumer....

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How Far Is Too Far? | Christian Dating Advice

Teens and young adults want to know how far they can go before God gets angry, when in reality it has nothing to do with displeasing Him....

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Grace Tame: ‘My Mission to End Abuse’

The Australian of the Year reveals her plan to bring an end to child sexual abuse and stamp out the culture of “cover-up”....

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Mindfulness a Priority for Federal Government in Improving Mental Health of Youth

The Federal Government is supporting the rollout of the Smiling Mind app into 600 regional and rural Australian primary schools this year....

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The Balance Myth

Is balance a myth? The truth is, sometimes particular areas of your life will require more of your attention and other times they won’t....

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Carrot Muffins

These nut-free, coconut flour carrot muffins are not only the perfect healthy lunchbox treat but are also delicious for breakfast....

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Why Experience Really Is the Best Teacher for Today’s Students

To convince a learner’s brain to persist with an objective, teachers need to be more mindful of helping students establish meaning....

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