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The God Who Comes to You

The God who comes to you is not the God whom many people know. They mainly know the God to whom they have to come, writes Eliezer Gonzalez....

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Chocolate & Date Brownies – Paleo Recipe

These moist, fudgy paleo brownies have a delicious chocolate-caramel flavour. Dates not only give flavour but are rich in fibre and vitamins....

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New Australian Centre Focusing on Women’s Mental Health

HER Centre will combine biological, psychological and environmental factors to better understand mental ill-health conditions in women....

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The Wiggles and World Vision Team Up for New Song ‘Around the World’

Ahead of Christmas, humanitarian aid organisation World Vision has teamed up with The Wiggles to release a new song, ‘Around the World’....

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How the Ultimate Dad Dads

In Hamish Blake’s new podcast about fatherhood, many of the interview guests tell us what they wish they’d done differently as a Dad....

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Our Responsibility to the Future

Christians owe it to the future to again be classified as the kindest of all – people who love well, live well and serve well, writes Brian Harris....

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How to Get the Stubborn to Budge

When someone is stubborn, our instinct is to bombard them with evidence. The better approach to persuasion is to start small....

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When Your Armour is Too Big

When David volunteered to take on Goliath the giant, he found that the armour was too big for him. So instead of physical armour, he took something better....

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Japanese Savoury Pancakes: A Paleo Recipe

A light and fluffy savoury pancake, with sweet potato for extra nutrition, plus almond meal and arrowroot for gluten free goodness....

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Aussie Short ‘The Moths Will Eat Them Up’ Goes Global with Anti-Violence Message

Australian filmmakers aim to address the issue of gendered violence in their short psychological thriller ‘The Moths Will Eat Them Up’....

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