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Forget the Stick and the Carrot: Here’s What Motivates Humans

Leaders often rely on the ‘carrot’ of rewards and incentives as a motivator. But research shows this can be counterproductive....

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Survey Reveals Youth’s Biggest Worry

Mission Australia’s Youth Survey shows that young people want action taken over the environment and mental health....

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Is a Side Hustle Worth the Hassle? Record Number of Aussies Taking Up Second Jobs

The number of jobs worked as secondary jobs has passed 1 million for the first time, according to new ABS data....

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Guarding God’s Reputation

Have you ever heard a preacher speaker express a view about God that made you think, “Well, that makes God sound petty and small”?...

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Marzipan Truffles – Paleo Recipe for Entertaining

Marzipan Truffles are a great healthy festive treat. Almonds and almond extract bring the delicious marzipan flavour....

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I Am Not Who I Was Before — Kimberly’s Story

Kimberly grew up in a dangerous neighbourhood where drugs were sold and used daily. Living in such a volatile and toxic environment changed her....

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The Avatar Effect – And How to Beat it

The Avatar Effect: That phenomenon where, after watching Avatar, rather than relishing its cinematic escapism, viewers become depressed....

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‘My Mind & Me’: Selena Gomez Breaks Down Myth of Success

‘Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me’ is about a woman grappling with a past that’s defined her but that she’s since outgrown....

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Dear Gutsy, Outspoken, Take-Action Women of God…

Yvette Cherry encourages all gutsy, outspoken, take-action women of God to keep on stepping up and raising their voice....

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Leaders, Here’s How to Beat the Conformity Compulsion

We all have a conformity compulsion. If we sense that the herd is going in a particular direction, we instinctively fear being left out....

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