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What Therapy is Like…And What It’s Not

The label ‘talk therapy’ may drive the myth that psychotherapy is just talking. Monica Jacob dispels a few common myths....

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Leyla in Syria says Church Shines Light In Darkness of Earthquakes

How one local group of Christians is sheltering and supporting their neighbours during the earthquake crisis....

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Christians in Syria and Turkey Call for Prayer After Deadly Earthquake

Churches in Turkey and Syria are calling for Christians around the world to pray, after earthquakes have killed almost 4,000 people....

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Make Them a Romantic Meal this Valentine’s Day

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate the day, the most important thing is to show your love and appreciation for your Valentine....

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Blessing Offor on ‘My Tribe’ and Coca Cola Success

Blessing Offor has a new album out and it’s already a big success with Coca Cola using the title track, My Tribe, for a global campaign....

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He Delights in You – Devotion

When we feel successful, healthy, and loved, we believe that God loves us. But when we like a failure, we often believe God has abandoned us....

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Kids Willl Love These Italian Meatballs –

These tasty meatballs are a crowd-pleaser and are loved by kids. They have a lovely light texture and swim in a rich flavour-packed sauce....

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8 Tips to Stay Financially Strong in 2023

The start of a new year is a great time to stop, reassess and make some basic plans to get your finances on track....

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Been Hearing About ChatGPT? Here’s What You Need to Know

Launched in November 2022 by OpenAI, ChatGPT has been stirring up the tech world with its unparalleled capacity to seem truly human....

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In a Time of Anxiety, How to be Non-Anxious

Jesus can make a difference to the way we face and work with anxiety, writes faith and culture blogger Brian Harris....

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