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Why You Should Make Mum a Cup of Tea

Every day around the world six billion cups of tea are drunk. But it’s who we share our tea with that makes it meaningful....

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Finding an Escape from Sexual Addiction

"His prompting on my life was three words: 'Tell your story'." A man describes his desperate 13-year addiction to pornography....

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Take a Moment Monday: Find Your Why

What's your why? Often why we find people totally uninspired in jobs they hate or in relationships they feel trapped in because they've missed the big why in the equation of life....

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Finding Hope in the Midst of Raising Troubled Kids

Tom and Dena Yohe were caring, loving parents to their strong-willed daughter, Renee. It wasn’t until she was in her late teens that they discovered the deep hurts that troubled her inside....

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How to Avoid Stinking Thinking

They are the negative thought patterns that pull you down, and that pull those around you down as well....

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Get Out of God’s Way

One of the characters that I love in the New Testament is the Apostle Peter, probably because I’m so much like him in so many ways. But I think there’s enough of Peter in all of us to be able to recognize ourselves in him....

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Australia’s Foreign Aid at its Lowest Ever: “This is About the Soul of Our Nation”

The United Nations recently declared that the world currently faces humanitarian crisis at a scale not seen since the end of World War II. More than 20 million people are facing starvation and famine....

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To the Tired Mamas Running Themselves Ragged

You’re thinking about your to-do list and your grocery list and that thing you wish you hadn’t said and that person from school who still has no idea how much they hurt you. Your brain never stops....

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Isle of Dogs: Hilarious, Intriguing, Heart-Warming, Animated Fun

Isle of Dogs is proving to be a school holiday hit for audiences of all ages.It’s strange, it’s heart-warming, it’s hilarious, it’s surprising—and it’s for the whole family....

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Happily Ever After is a Choice

Every choice has a consequence, like a pebble in a pond. Each word has a ripple effect that builds others up or tears them down. Each action has an aftermath that draws us closer to our spouse, or creates a chasm that divides....

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