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How Christians Can Go Beyond The ‘Culture War’

Many Christians feel we’re losing the ‘culture war’. From SSM to euthanasia, the traditional Christian perspective has lost ground in much of mainstream society. We’re a minority....

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40 Coping Skills for Stressed out Adults

Coping skills are those things we do to manage stress and anxiety. Here’s 40 coping strategies adults can use to not only help you cope with a crisis, but carry you through it as well....

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The (Dying) Art of Introduction

It seems most common among those under 40, and it is particularly dismal with people under the age of 25. We seem to have lost the art of introduction....

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Does God Love Me?

We think of love, for example in marriage, as some kind of business deal, where one person commits to loving another as long as they receive love in return. But that’s not what God means by love at all....

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The Lost Art of Downtime… Why Idle Moments Are More Important than You Think

In an age where daily life is lived at breakneck speed, are we losing the ability to enjoy downtime to our own detriment?...

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The God Who Bends Down

The Bible was written in a polytheistic culture: a culture which believed that there were many gods. But there is one thing that distinguishes the Christian God from all other gods....

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Raising Sons to be Honourable Men

As a dad, you have a powerful influence over your son. Dr. Robert Lewis shares a vision of biblical manhood for father and son, in terms of knighthood....

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Parody Video by Church Boys Makes it to National TV

A fun tongue-in-cheek music video sending up the Backstreet Boys, created by a church team from Sydney, has made it onto national TV....

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Latest Online Kid’s Game Roblox Creates Concern For Parents

If you have a kid who’s into online games, it can be tough to stay across what they’re up to. Just when you’ve got your head around the latest cool thing, they’re on to something else....

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12 Questions to Help You Find a New Dream

Whatever the reason, if you’re stuck when it comes to having a dream for your life, these 12 questions may help you unearth a new dream or aspiration....

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