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Maria’s Recipes: Christmas Panzanella

Christmas Panzanella Serves 1 as a main meal or 2 people for a side dish *Bread x 2 thick slices, toasted well and left in the toaster to cool (use rye bread or a good grain bread, something with ‘body’, not sliced ‘wonder-loaf’ type bread) *Tomatoes x 2 sweet variety/ripe…...

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How Can We Stay Civil in the Age of Outrage? Here are Three Ideas

We’re in a time of important change. Stands need to be taken. But when history looks back may it also be said that we took a stand for civility too....

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Tis’ the Season He’s the Reason

At the very centre of Christmas is the greatest gift ever given, and if accepted the greatest love ever known....

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Australia’s Hunger Problem

An alarming 4 million Australians have experienced food insecurity in the past 12 months....

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Maria’s Recipes: Banana Nog

Banana Nog Makes 1 litre *Banana’s, fully ripe and frozen (large) x 2 *Milk, reduced fat x 1 litre *Maple Syrup x 3 tablespoon’s *Rum essence x 1 teaspoon (you can easily add half to 1 teaspoon more, according to your tastes) *Cinnamon, ground x 1/2 teaspoon *Vanilla paste x…...

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New Life Movie Review

When a movie can delve into your emotions and pull out a heart-wrenching sob, you know the writers, producers, cast and crew have done their job well....

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Who Was Jesus?

There’s different views about who Jesus was, but they can be basically boiled down to four key ideas....

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The Beauty and Burden of Brokenness

Turmoil is both the soundtrack and the screenplay of our humanity. Why, then, if our brokenness is universal, do we dress it up with photos carefully posed?...

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Why I Let My Kids go to Schoolies

Schoolies is an interesting topic and one that seems to evoke a lot of emotion within parents, but for us, it has been an opportunity that we have embraced....

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Tips on Keeping Romance Alive From Lead Actress in ‘New Life’ Movie

Erin Bethea, star of the yet to be released movie 'New Life' offers 10 tips that will help keep the romance in your relationship alive all year long....

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