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What Our Bank Statements Can Tell Us About Our Faith in God

As you look at your bank statements, what does your balance and your habits tell you about your walk of faith?...

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The Future of Human-AI Interaction

As artificial intelligence advances in capability, the question arises: how will humans live, work and interact with AI?...

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What Does it Mean to Flourish?

It’s a noble and inspiring sentiment, and one you hear in many vision statements – but what does it really mean to flourish?...

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Flourless Chocolate Cake – Recipe

This cake is perfect for chocolate lovers, similar to a rich fudgy brownie, but with a light and airy texture, and a hint of orange....

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We Should Incentivise Child-Bearing, Says Social Scientist Nicholas Eberstadt

Young people are having less or no children, due to a belief that it will hinder their true calling in life. And experts say there is a cost....

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The West Was Post-Christian: Until It Wasn’t

The removal of Christianity hasn’t left us with a self-assured humanity, rather aimless people, struggling with their bodies and identity....

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Stressed? You Can Use it For Good, says Former Navy Officer Paul Taylor

“Big challenges that are really hard to overcome” are an opportunity to sharpen our character or to practice a virtue, says author Paul Taylor....

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Choose Life – Gian’s Story

Creative. Filmmaker. Surfer. Musician. Storyteller. Gian shares his story about a journey through addiction, recovery, and sharing faith....

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You’re A Good Leader When You Inspire Movement

Leadership is a process. Anyone can fit this role, and anyone can develop in this role, writes pyschology practice leader, Valerie Ling....

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This is Why I Hate Doing Laundry

Many of us may hate doing laundry, but we do it – because deep down, we know that doing the laundry is purposeful…...

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