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Hugh Jackman in “The Front Runner” – Does a Politician’s Private Life Matter? [Movie Review]

The Front Runner asks if we have a right to the private lives of our leaders and whether their personal decisions should disqualify them from leadership....

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Are You Falling Out of Love?

Sustaining the emotional excitement of romance, or "being in love," can be difficult at best – and physically draining at worst....

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Drug Addicted Youth Recover through God-Centered Mentorship in Africa

Wanting to help Africa’s young people thrive and fulfill their God-given purpose, African Enterprise established the Foxfires Youth Program....

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What Lies Are You Believing About Yourself?

I first met Malcolm Duncan a few years ago at a conference we were both speaking at. His confidence on stage was astounding given his background....

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Why I Waited for the Wedding Night – the Truth about Abstinence

I kissed a lot of boys as a teenager. lWhy did I wait for marriage to have sex? Was it worth it and did it actually benefit my marriage? My answers may surprise you....

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40 Social Skills Every Child Needs to Master for Success

Most adults will see things on this list that even they could work on improving! Social skills develop with practice and can also decay with neglect....

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Why Christians Should Not Be Optimists

It may sound strange, after all isn't optimism a godlier attitude than it's polar opposite, pessimism? I don’t think it’s that simple....

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Rich Chocolate Mousse

A quick and easy dessert for busy people, this delightfully rich chocolate mousse only takes 10 minutes to make!...

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‘On the Basis Of Sex’ – Women’s Rights That Build Up Instead of Tearing Down

If anything’s to be learned from On the Basis of Sex, it’s that change can be fought for with class and dignity....

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Author of “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”, Has Retracted His Book and Apologised

“I now think dating can be a healthy part of a person developing relationally and learning the qualities that matter most in a partner.”...

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