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Dealing With Bullying: Putting Power in its Place

Bullying can be a difficult issue for parents to deal with, but when we boil it down to its basics, it’s all about power....

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Franklin Graham Tour Brings 59,000 Australians Together – And Counting

It’s the roar of a packed stadium bursting with joy, as hundreds of people respond to God’s love and make decisions to follow Jesus....

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Crushing the Curse of Comparison

Have you ever found yourself dissatisfied with your own life after looking at the person's next to you?...

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“The Hand That Spins the Galaxies Wants You Here”, Sheridan Voysey’s Creed For Life

Some have mantras, others, a word for the year. In an effort to create a guiding statement of what means most to him in life, Voysey wrote The Creed....

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When You’re Not Sure It’s God, Is It Ok to Ask for a Sign?

In the story of Gideon, we see a God who knows our struggle with doubt and even anticipates our questions: how do we know a message is from God?...

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Heard of ‘Buy a Bale’? Now it’s ‘Buy a Cow’ to Help Our Farmers

Aussies are being urged to support the ‘Buy a Cow’ appeal to help farmers from North West QLD to rebuild their herds of cattle after the recent floods....

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Thrive with Dr Matthew Jacoby

Peacemaking – Proverbs 15:1-13 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (15:1).  Conflict is like one of those very bouncy bouncing balls.  Every time it hits a hard surface it is propelled back up in the air. Likewise conflict is perpetuated by hard hearts…...

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The Best Place to Get Business Advice

Get advice! Without it, business can be frustrating, hard work and an increased chance of failure....

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What Exactly is Grace?

Some people say that all religions are the same. They’re not. Grace is what sets Christianity apart from all other philosophies and worldviews....

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Why Our Pursuit of "Happiness" Is Actually Leaving Us Unhappy

We have more stuff, but we’re less satisfied. More facebook friends, but less genuine ones. More “success”, yet more discontentment with our “real” life....

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