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What on Earth is the Enneagram?

I’ve been learning about the Enneagram for about five minutes now and I’m here for you with the most basic answers in case you too have been wondering....

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How in God’s Name Should I Vote? Podcast Now Available

We can be a funny bunch – when it comes to politics we’re often more interested in the quality of our democracy sausage than the quality of our democracy....

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Pastor’s Death Penalty Vow to Bali Nine

A pastor’s vow to a prisoner facing execution to speak out against the death penalty is dramatised in the short film 'Execution Island'....

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Generation Z @ the #polls

For Generation Z, coming of age in the 21st Century has created a unique generation. To understand what influences their vote, we need to first understand who they are......

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‘50 Shades Brighter’ – The Kindness Campaign

In the wake of devastating violence, the '50 Shades Brighter' Kindness Campaign was birthed to make sure terrorism doesn’t get the final say....

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Mother’s Day: The Most Important Thing a Father Can Do Is…

‘The most important thing a father can do for his children is…’ How would you finish this sentence? You may have some ideas... but this one is the best....

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Butternut Pikelets Recipe

These pikelets are soft and fluffy, perfect for afternoon tea or as a healthy after school snack for the kids!...

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Teaching Your Kids About Debt, Gratification & Priorities

Governments don’t provide education about responsibly managing household debt, so it’s up to us as parents to teach our children about how to manage money....

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Christian: Fight the Right Fight

We like the idea of grace, love, and forgiveness, but not the idea of having to fight. Maybe because we have the wrong idea of what the fight of faith is all about....

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For Communities to Thrive All It Takes is Clean Water

Sanitation is so important, the United Nations recognised it in their Millennium Goals, setting a number of targets for communities around the world....

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