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The Antidote to Offence

Offence can be like a poison that seeps into your relationships with friends and family, and even cloud the lens through which you view the world....

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Planning a Trip? 6 Strategies When Leaving Your Children

Heading away for a trip, and leaving your children with friends or family? Sounds exciting! But it’s good to be aware there may be long-term outcomes....

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Threads That Connect—David & Andrea’s Story

Can a clothing company become a space for people to connect, be open and vulnerable all while enjoying some quality threads?...

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How to Get Better at Prayer

The way we view our relationship with God will impact our ideas about prayer. Conversation happens in the context of relationship....

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Maria’s Recipes: Tomato & Bacon Lasagne

(Serves four portions) -1 brown onion, finely chopped -1/2 red capsicum, finely chopped -1/2 teaspoon minced fresh garlic -6 rashers of shortcut bacon, chopped -Fresh basil 5 leaves chopped & fried with onion & Another 5 leaves chopped & stirred in when sauce finished -Massels chicken stock powder x 2…...

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African Enterprise – A Culture of Worship Made Possible in Prison

Over 300 African women inmates and their children had no place to pray and worship on Sundays, making it difficult for those of poor health to join in....

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The Unintended Consequence Of Silencing The Christian Voice

The consequences of silencing the Christian voice are far reaching beyond just the loss of Christian freedoms, other voices will fill the void....

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Our Busy Lives Are Awe-Deprived. Here Are 6 Ways to Find Wonder Again

Awe is something that adults rarely experience. I am increasingly convinced that rediscovering child-like wonder is essential for our spiritual health....

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What Teens Can Learn From Making A Phone Call Instead Of Texting

56% of Australians avoid calling people, choosing instead to text or send an instant message of some kind including teens who are an even lower percentage....

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Hillsong Israel – An Unconventional, Contemporary Church in an Ancient Landscape

In what is a highly unconventional move for the region, Hillsong also appointed a woman as the pastor: Catrina Henderson....

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