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The Day Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Took Communion on the Moon

It’s a lesser-known fact that Buzz was also a man of Christian faith, an elder and that he led the world in a moment of thanks during the Moon mission....

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Let’s Be Collaborators, Not Competitors!

As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we start making comparisons....

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The Importance of Saying “Yes”

Do you compare yourself to what other Christians are doing for God? To God, it’s not about how much you’ve done that matters, but whether you’ve said “yes”....

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How to Focus Your Peripheral Vision

The most disruptive threats that you and your business will face will come from the periphery. The key is to strengthen your peripheral vision in business....

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Instagram Changes with the Times

With influencers’ careers on the line and businesses rethinking their social media strategy, why would Instagram change such a major feature?...

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The Identity Struggle – How to Be Known Fully

Did you struggle with your identity as a teen? You might still be struggling with who God has created you to be even now all these years on....

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How God’s Forgiveness Works

'So, how could God's forgiveness extend to our errors and mistakes? Why would God forgive your sin today if he knows that you will fall again tomorrow?'...

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A Hero In Media—Guia’s Story

Guia’s career in media has not been one without challenges, each obstacle has allowed her to grow in her relationship with God and His vision for her life....

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Pure Baby Bliss between Grandmas and Mothers?

Every mother and daughter has a unique relationship, and pure baby bliss after the delivery is not necessarily automatic!...

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3 Ways to Future-Proof our Schools, Students and Educational System

With widespread change expected in our future the need for educational systems and educators themselves to be future-fit has never been greater....

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