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What You Need to Know About the Driverless Age

It has been a growing popular conversation over the last decade. Driverless cars – one of the sure symbols that the future has arrived....

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From Weakness to Strength

And to those who have no might He increases strength. The young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength....

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How to Stop Work From Taking Over Your Life

If you’ve ever been caught in the modern malady of overwork and hyper-productivity, you’re not alone. And this conversation is for you....

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Australia, The Sporting Nation

Australia is a nation of sports lovers. Four in five (80%) Australians agree that sport is a significant part of Australian culture....

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Indigenous Message of “Love From Above”, on Australia’s Got Talent

A young indigenous Aussie singing in his native language, is winning the nation’s heart with a golden run on Australia’s Got Talent....

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A Dad who Loved with All His Heart!

As a result of his wartime experiences, Dad had a thing about speed, machines and death. And he over-compensated in a lovely kind of way....

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Are You Paving The Cattle Track?

When looking to adapt or innovate, don't go over the same paths without considering whether a fundamental reform is required....

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God uses Operation Christmas Child to Launch Mongolian Churches

Your shoebox gift can have an incredible impact on a community overseas. Shoebox gifts are opening doors for a church in Mongolia....

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If Only You Knew

If only you knew who I am, and what I have for you, you wouldn’t ever doubt me again. You’d never feel worthless,  you’d never feel alone again....

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Orange and Zucchini Bread

This is a deliciously moist bread with a yummy coconut-orange icing. I'm sure you will love this bread as much as my family does....

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