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The ‘Great Untruth’ That Could End Our Democracy

This ‘great untruth’ is leading to the polarisation of our community. If left unchecked, it could spell the end of our democracy....

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Dolly’s Dream

The parents of Dolly Everett, a 14 year old girl who took her own life after being bullied, have created a very powerful video to address cyber bullying....

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These Beach Safety Tips Will Prevent People from Drowning

It’s tragic to think that out of the 44 people who drowned on our beaches last summer, all 44 might have lived if they'd been swimming closer to the flags....

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Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Ways to Beat the Transition Blues

Sometimes, it helps to remember that no one, young or old, likes change. You are not alone if you feel overwhelmed, you CAN beat the transition blues....

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The Storms We Make For Ourselves

It was the disciples fault that they were in this storm because Jesus had told them to wait for him. But instead, they had set out without him....

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Three Australian Cities in the Top Ten Most Liveable Cities Worldwide

A 2019 report by the Economist Intelligence Unit has revealed the world’s most liveable cities and three of Australia's citys made it on the list!...

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Downton Abbey Residents Defend Honour in Midst of Royal Visit

It’s time to plop a plumb in your mouth and book a visit to the country, Downton Abbey the movie, is finally here and they expect a visit from royalty....

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The Wellbeing Challenge in Australian Schools

As student wellbeing becomes an increasingly topical issue surveys show that parent expectations of Australian schools is on the rise....

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Being The One Percent

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt like the odd one out. We feel like we belong to the one percent rather than the other ninety-nine....

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Vegetable and Bacon Slice Recipe

Author: Susan Joy | The Joyful Table. Serves: 6 | Prep Time: 00:25 | Cooking Time: 00:50 A perfectly balanced meal that’s not just a delicious lunch packed full of vegetables, but also a great choice for breakfast or dinner....

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