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Emerging Generation’s Recommended Screen-Time – It’s Less Than You Think

It is hard to refute the statement that we are now living in the great screenage. Screen-based devices are now a regular part of our day to day lives....

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4 Ways to Keep Your Pets Safe This Fire Season

PetSafe Australia is urging all pet owners to make sure they have included their household animals in their family’s bush fire safety plans....

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How Looking Beyond Profits Will Make You More Profitable

While any for-profit entity exists to make a profit, Martin Wolf suggests, “If a business substitutes making money for purpose, it will fail at both.”...

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Malawi Sewing School Graduates Given a New Future

This year, 20 women have already graduated with the skills needed to have their own textiles business, and manage their own household and finances....

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“Jesus Spoke to me in a Dream.” Does God Speak to those who don’t know him?

You may have heard the incredible stories coming out of the Middle East where Jesus has been reported to be appearing to Muslims in dreams....

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A Focus On Holistic Education is #trending In Schools

There is a greater focus on the holistic upbringing in schools. We are seeing a shift from the educational basics to education of the whole child....

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Teens Stressed by Exams and Big Decisions? Try These 8 Tips to Help Them ‘Chill Out’

“There’s so much pressure around that age.” “...about what they do next after the exams, so actually my voice to her as a mum has been ‘chill out’!...

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Why You Should Worry Less About AI

For many of us, the very mention of Artificial Intelligence conjures up futuristic notions of SkyNet and cunning malevolent robots....

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Scott Morrison Says Prayer Reminds Politicians of Their Frailty and Humanity

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken out about the unifying power of prayer at a prayer breakfast in Parliament House....

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‘Judy’ Garland Biopic a Reminder of the Tragic Price of Unchecked Fame [Movie Review]

Following the last months of her 45-year career, Judy introduces us to a star on the decline, and a mother trying to maintain relationship with her kids....

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