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The Defining Traits Of The Next Generation

We have entered a new era and while we need not react to every whim of a new generation, we cannot expect emerging generations to conform to the old....

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Are You prepared to Change?

Change can be really beneficial if you notice what you are presently doing either isn't working or has stopped producing the results that you want....

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Faith Amid the Fires: How Chaplains are Meeting Emotional and Spiritual Needs of Australians

While emergency services respond to Australia’s bushfire crisis there’s another army quietly assisting people emotionaly and spiritualy: the chaplains....

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The Madness of the Unforgiving Crowds

Our culture has a problem with forgiveness.  We live in a post-forgiveness world.  And it’s going to get brutal and cold if the trend continues....

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Aussie Olympian Libby Trickett Opens Up About her Mental Health Struggles

She had won gold at 3 different Olympic Games but beneath the surface, she was struggling—with crippling anxiety and depression....

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People Need Real Not Expert

In a world dominated by social media and 24-hour news, there are a lot of influencers claiming “expert” status with complex and loud opinions....

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How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

Setting goals can seem like a lesson in frustration. Sometimes people can’t see the way to their dreams because their everyday has become so overwhelming....

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Cherry and Coconut Muffins

These delicious, easy cherry and coconut muffins are moist and soft with a light almond flavour. Fresh or frozen whole cherries can be used....

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Waving the Flag for Independence – and Love – in another remake of ‘Little Women’

This is the year for the March sisters, with this weeks’ Little Women the second movie to tell their story in as many months....

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Barry Conrad: How a Brush with Death Changed His Outlook on Showbiz and Life

Barry Conrad’s love for music has been lifelong: he had a Dad who loved to sing, and a Mum who recorded worship albums with her church choir....

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