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Grieving the Loss of Routine

Has your routine gone out the window and been replaced with the sense of losing your purpose, occupation or identity? This experience is a form of grief....

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6 Lessons Christians Can Learn From The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic is wreaking havoc across our world and yet, God is at work through it all, teaching us things that we might not otherwise learn....

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Who is This Man, Jesus?

Scripture gives Jesus over 208 titles and every one of them is sufficient to provide day upon day of meditation, bringing glory, insight, wisdom, and hope....

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What Seeing Jesus Tomb Taught Me About His Resurrection

There are two sites in Jerusalem where Jesus’ tomb may have been. Both have enough archaeological evidence to warrant their claims....

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Scriptures to Cling to in This Season of Crisis

Scriptures for such a time as now, to anchor yourself in 6 Kingdom promises that remain steadfast and true through every challenge and change....

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10 Tips for Working From Home

When working from home, it really helps to have a signal or sign that tells others you live with, “I’m working and not available for any interruptions”....

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How to Set Up Home Schooling – Expert Help for Parents

When home schooling, start at the same time as kids would normally start with the attitude that this isn’t a holiday, it’s working space and time....

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Delicious Paleo Bagel Recipe

You only need a few basic ingredients and coconut yoghurt to make these delicious paleo bagels! In this bagel recipe you can use an airfryer or oven....

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How to Build Financial Resilience in a Crisis – 7 Expert Tips From a Debt Coach

Stop using your credit card. Your frequent flyer points are no good when airlines are grounded; and debit cards can do everything a credit card can....

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You Can Access The Bank of Heaven

Through prayer, we can access a bank whose capital is absolutely unlimited and can meet all of our needs. Prayer unlocks the bank of heaven....

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