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Are Angels Real? These Stories Will Get You Wondering

Have you ever wondered if angels truly exist? 11 people shared their stories of what they believed were angelic encounters....

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Wear Hope-Coloured Glasses

When we're seeing people through God's love and hope-filled eyes, people are no longer an inconvenience, but walking miracles....

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Teaching Teens About Healthy Disagreement

Four practical tips you can use to help young people resist the ‘for us or against us’ dichotomies and instead, engage in respectful, healthy disagreement....

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I Raised 3 Screenagers: A Gen X View of Gen Z

Gen Z is a fascinating group and one that deserves attention and a rich understanding of how to communicate and engage with them....

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He Is Close to the Broken Hearted

“Comforter” isn’t God's title, it's His nature. These verses are a reminder of His compassion and comfort towards you when you are hurting....

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Lamb Curry Winter Warmer Recipe

By: Susan Joy During the cooler weather we look for warm comforting meals to nourish our families. The aromatic spices that flavour this delicious lamb curry, also make your house smell amazing and get those saliva glands working, ready to digest your healthy meal....

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The ‘Gift’ of COVID

The ‘gift of COVID’ is that many of us have experienced new and positive ways of living, thinking, working and cultivating relationships....

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3 Essentials for an Age of Complexity

A posture of humility, an eye for nuance and an ability to transfer are the 3 key elements of deep thinking that will equip us to navigate this digital age....

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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Next Generation

In order for us to lead this next generation through a time of crisis, it is important that we understand them and the world that is shaping them....

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Remembering The Baby We Lost: Singer Chris Sebastian Opens Up About His Song, ‘Soon’

"To the men… It’s okay to be vulnerable, it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling. And to the women… Surround yourself with love... with people.”...

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