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Sometimes You Must Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

The idea that we could tell our heart to do something is strange, but there is merit to the psychological power of self-talk....

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When You Feel Tired Rest, Don’t Quit

If you’re feeling depleted, don’t quit friend - simply, pause, pray and let God refill you. He’s the supply that never runs dry....

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To the Mum Who Thought She’d Be Better at Mothering

Take a deep breath and quit comparing...even to your own expectations! You don’t have to be flawless to be the mum that your children need....

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Should a Woman Ask a Man Out?

Today our cultural expectations are still built around a fairytale theology from the sixteenth century; sometimes even regarded as a godly moral code....

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Making Peace with the Life You Didn’t Plan

It’s not what you planned for, it’s not what you prepared for, and it’s certainly not what you prayed for. Here's how to make peace with your life....

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An Eternal Perspective On Money

Life is short. Don't get get caught in the daily rush of life that you lose sight of the eternal perspective, the things of value that will last....

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A Little Blue Alien Proves Friendship Can Melt the Hardest Heart, in ‘Jungle Beat’

Jungle Beat is perfect for young kids finding their way in the world, and will leave them wanting to embrace people who don’t feel like they fit in....

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When You Just Don’t Feel Like Loving

All of us have people in our lives whom we find most difficult to love. And yet, they’re the very ones we should love....

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God’s Voice Brings Grace in the Midst of Domestic Violence [Testimony]

I looked up and around the room and thought I was going crazy. I had heard God’s voice. Was I imagining it? No; I had just heard it....

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This One Question Can Help Focus Your Life on What Really Matters

In the busyness of the everyday, how can we discern what we should focus on and what really matters in life? Here’s a question that can help....

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