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Maria’s Recipes: Cauliflower Steaks with Sauce Vierge

*Fresh cauliflower X 1 whole head (you may not use it all depending on how many portions you want)

*Ghee (clarified butter) for frying X 2 tablespoons or just use a combination of oil and butter

*Fresh parsley, chopped x small handful

*Fresh basil, chopped x small handful

*Spring onions x 2, green part only, thinly sliced

*Ripe tomatoes x 2 medium or 12-16 ripe cherry tomatoes, chopped finely

*Lemon juice x 1 tablespoon

*Sugar x 1 teaspoon

*Fresh garlic (optional), minced x 1/3 of a clove, infused with 2 tablespoons of olive oil

*Salt to sprinkle in dressing and over cauliflower


-The cauliflower dressing includes olive oil, but if you opt to add garlic to the recipe, grate about a third of a clove into olive oil, stir and set aside. This will make a quick garlic-infused oil.

-Remove all greenery and stems from cauliflower, wash and pat dry with paper towel. Cut cauliflower into slices (or steaks), the same way you’d cut thick slices from a loaf of bread. Start from the middle if you want a couple of thick steaks and refrigerate leftover cauli to use another day.

-Heat ghee (or oil and butter)  in a large fry pan and add cauli steaks. Keep heat on medium-low so the cauliflower has a chance to soften a little and go crispy golden. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt.

-While cauli is frying, make dressing in a small bowl. Combine chopped parsley, basil, spring onions, sugar, a pinch of salt, lemon juice and olive oil (or use garlic infused oil). If you have store-bought garlic oil, use a ratio of 50:50 olive oil and garlic oil.

-Mix Vierge dressing ingredients together and set aside.

-When cauliflower steaks are golden, keep them warm in a 140 degree oven on a lined tray (spread out).

-When ready to serve, place a hot steak on each plate and spoon a tablespoon or two of dressing over each portion of cauliflower. Put leftover Sauce Vierge on the table with a spoon for anyone who’d like more.

-Cauliflower steaks are a great alternative to rice or potatoes as a side dish.