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World First – Dementia, Sleep Apnoea Linked

Research has revealed that obstructive sleep apnoea has been linked to structural brain changes seen in the early stages of dementia....

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The Book Opening Young Peoples’ Eyes to Subtle Cultural Influences

It’s cultural uncertainty that inspired author Chris Parker’s recent book, The Frog and the Fish: Reflections on work, technology, sex, stuff, truth and happiness....

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Jubilation in Thailand, and an Aussie at Centre of ‘Wild Boars’ Cave Rescue

After 17 days in a dark cave they boys are doing really well....

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What Our View of Death Says About The Value Of Life

The death of Australian academic David Goodall in an assisted-suicide clinic in Switzerland, was hailed by supporters as some sort of victory for the cause of euthanasia...

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Spade, Bourdain Again and Again

How do you explain how a man who is brilliant, talented and gifted finds himself at a place that death feels like the only and reasonable option?...

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Would Universal Basic Income Beat Poverty?

Ronald Henderson famously chaired a Commission of Inquiry into Poverty in the early 1970’s. Following the release of the Commission’s reports, the ‘Henderson Poverty Line’ became the standard used by researchers to gauge progress in the community....

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Australia’s Foreign Aid at its Lowest Ever: “This is About the Soul of Our Nation”

The United Nations recently declared that the world currently faces humanitarian crisis at a scale not seen since the end of World War II. More than 20 million people are facing starvation and famine....

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Creating The World’s Longest Prayer Chain: Five Kilometres Long, and Growing

Imagine a paper chain, made up of bright yellow festival wrist bands, stretching more than five kilometres long. On each of those looped wrist bands, is a message: a prayer to God, written by an ordinary Australian, about something they want to see changed for the better....

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When Clean Water is Just a Dream

Currently 844,000 people globally are without access to water and Papua New Guinea ranks among the world’s most disadvantaged nations when it comes to access to clean water....

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Slavery Couldn’t Silence Christian Music

Glenn A Baker shares that whilst African slaves in America’s southern states were subject to incalculable injustice and oppression, that shameful period in history was the source of many music genres....

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